NS2 Trial available?
Hi guys, short question: Does a trial edition of NS2 exist? And/Or will there be a trial option in the future? I ask because I will be part of a medium sized LAN party in Germany with around 300...
View ArticleRandom loud noises when tabbing back into a fullscreen windowed game
Anyone else get these? Didn't happen a few months ago, now it does, more so if on marines.
View ArticleCommanderNoBuild ?
Hi, How do we prevent commander to build on defined entities (faces, props etc..) CommanderNoBuild doesn't seem to be the right group.
View ArticleI'm starting to become a competent marine commander, but have a couple...
I think I've got the basics down for marine commander, but I'm still a long ways off from advanced tactics. That said, I've noticed that most of the time when I command, it's in a server where no one...
View ArticleNS2 emblem for Battlefield 4
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/emblem/edit/personal/2955060601379275737/176604644/1/ I wasn't surprised when people figured it out , NS2 is well known in battlefield community \o/
View ArticleList of improvements needed before NS2 World Champs
Dear community, The purpose of this thread is to come up with a list of changes/fixes/additions to NS2 that we, the casting and competitive NS2 communities, feel UWE needs to work on before Wasabi's NS...
View ArticleNS2 failed to allocate ###### bytes and will now terminate.
Got that message just now, maybe it's unreleased memory or something. Sending report DOESN'T WORK, it looks like sending, but then get stuck! ###### - number of bytes, differs from time to time.
View ArticleFixed thumbnails in Editor (download)
I fixed all the thumbnails by regenerating them in the forever useful 249 build (I hate myself for not thinking to do this sooner) https://www.dropbox.com/s/aqlzke7hu3y3ond/cache.zip No more claymode...
View ArticleNo camera indicator while commanding
Hello, while playing a commander, both the minimap and the fullscreen map used to have a white trapezoid outline that told me what part of the map my camera was currently looking at. However, since at...
View ArticleMa clef à été supprimé pourquoi ?
Bonjour, j'avais acheté ce jeu il y a quelques temps sur steam. J'y ai joué quelques temps pas de problème jusque là. Seulement du jour au lendemain ma clé à été supprimé. J'ai contacté le support...
View ArticleCommunity manager(s)
With the hope both uwe and the community reads this I thought I throw this in the open. If anyone sees me making a mistake with the following please correct but lets NOT make this into a blame/point...
View ArticleServer behind a sticky dynamic IP?
Not sure how the server browser finds serversI have a sticky dynamic IP address (rarely changes) where I am thinking of deploying a server (fast, reliable, yet cheap pipe) how practical is it to run a...
View ArticleScreen keep shaking
When I go into a game, the screen just keep shaking. It keeps like I keep crouching and standing. However, it could not be because even when I play alien, my screen is still shaking. When I am skulk,...
View ArticleI'm trying to get into NS2
Title. I am not that big of a fan of FPS games, but I really enjoy them once in a while. Not as a casual gamer, but more like "I play nothing else for as long as the game can hold my attention." I...
View Article[Linux] Game crash when shooting
Hi ! i'm here because each time I use a fire weapon, the game crash without any error messages in log ! I don't have any mods, and I'm using Linux version Build 257. I tried to change graphic options,...
View ArticleCustom map servers?
Can anyone recommend a good populated custom map server that pings well to the East Coast? I always liked trying the custom maps and works in progress in NS1 and I'd like to check some out again.
View ArticleWant to buy game director for week but problem with paying
hi you guys do a super swell job and i want to give you my hard earned life savings to make game with you for week! my bank will only let me check or transfer and i need help to give you this! help...
View ArticleLocal server mods load / host out to players when Valve servers are not...
Every Steam sale period always results in the same thing, their servers become too busy / overloaded to deal out the mods (mod not available i think it says in the console). Is there a setting where if...
View Article** Connection problems? We need your data to fix it! **
A suggestion from Max, the Technical Director & the man who made the engine:If you are experiencing network related issues (999 ping, red plug icon, cant establish connection to server,...
View ArticleError: Couldn't connect to Steam
Since yesterday my server has been unable to connect to steam: Error: Couldn't connect to Steam Is the error after it tries to connect for around 5 seconds. It proceeds to start the server afterwards...
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