Chocolate becoming a scarce, luxury product
I don't know how's the situation in America (which may be closer to some producer states), but here in Europe, the plain old chocolate has been all but displaced by all kinds of "filled bars", fruit...
View ArticleMouse movement cause FPS drop to single digits
When in game I get FPS over 100. When I move around using the WASD keys there is no FPS drop. However when ever I move my mouse, either lobby or in game, the FPS drops to single digits. I have...
View ArticleServer is displayed as empty even when it is not
I have the "bug" that my server is displayed as empty in the serverbrowser. Shortly it shows the real number and then 0/18. Just test it yourself server is called Survival of the Fattest.
View ArticleWargorge fighting!
Long time since i've made a funny kinda video since the welder one. New hdd = space for recording once again! Anyway, here's one featuring the gorge! aka imbagorge. Direct link
View ArticleNoobish question: Is there a way to change Railgun control from hold&release...
I find that having to hold the mouse button has a tangible impact on the way I aim. Any chance of changing the firing controls to be like that of the TF2 Sniper? Rightclick to charge, left click to...
View ArticleGame will not initialize, no error log.
Hi, I bought this game a number of months ago and it worked without issue but after the last few updates I have been unable to play at all. When I try to start the game a black window appears for a...
View ArticleThe Big List of Places to Watch Competitive NS2 (NEWLY UPDATED!!!)
Competitive NS2 is Fun to Watch! NS2 is a great spectator sport. Continuing the proud tradition of the first NS, NS2 has lots of tournaments and stuff for the most pro players to show off their skills....
View ArticleNS2 Kodiak - updated 20/8/13 (version 1.16)
Is an Asteroid bound resupply station used by the TSA. Techpoints 4 Res points = 11 Current released version a.4 (on workshop) Pictures posted in this thread do not currently (but they will) represent...
View ArticleAlien vision for alien commander
"We would give this game 10/10 if it had this (plus tip)." - IGN "If I had a son, he'd agree to this." - Barack Hussein Obama II "Hell, I'd be still alive." - George, the tyrannosaurus rex
View Article** Connection problems? We need your data to fix it! **
A suggestion from Max, the Technical Director & the man who made the engine:If you are experiencing network related issues (999 ping, red plug icon, cant establish connection to server,...
View ArticleWhen should I buy a flamethrower?
People describe both the grenade launcher and flamethrower as seiging weapons, but the grenade launcher simply does it way better. Clearing umbra and spores is nice, but it is highly situational I...
View ArticleExtraEntitiesMod
Introduction I will make a small mod to bring some extra entites to NS2, like a teleport-trigger, a drivable train etc. (the entites from hl1 that made you making some cool fun maps). I also included...
View ArticleHow to screw with your commander
Tutorial this is gameplay of me getting bossed around by some people who never gave me a chance. I do much better when it's me doing the thinking. That way we usually win, and faster than this, though...
View ArticlePros and cons of Tier 3 tech on 1 CC
Ah, the age old topic.. I still recall may 2011 when Charlie "Flayra" first decided to scrap the requirement in the alpha.. No more did marines need to maintain map control (the winning condition) to...
View Article2 marine ideas inspired by the current balance issues.
A 2nd variety of mine that acts as a speed trap: releases an electric net that temporarily slows the lifeform it affects: IMO this would be much more potent vs Fades and Onos than ordinary mines. A 2nd...
View ArticleLinux Build in Steam
I've been running Steam Linux since it released, just saw NS2 pop up in my library (have owned it on Windows since years before launch). Right now it downloads the Windows build, even in beta... is...
View ArticleHybrid Alien Vision
I'm one of those that can only play properly using Alien Vision (yes I know...) However when I accidentally forget to turn it on I'm reminded how beautiful the maps are textured and colored. Alien...
View ArticleGive higher level lifeforms a cap hit
I have no idea how this would scale for beyond 6v6 play, so please look at this idea assuming you're playing a 6v6. If you cannot imagine that, please leave this thread and forget this was ever posted....
View ArticleGone Home | My So Called Life + System Shock
Website | Steam Page | twitter What is Gone Home? It's 1995. You come home from a year in Japan to find your family's house seemingly abandoned. A note taped to the front door, from your younger...
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