Reduce starting PRES to 15
I feel like that would fix some of the public balance issues right now.
- Gorge tunnel is sightly delayed, prevents locking down some positions in the first minute
- Lerk come out later when there is actually armor/shotties as counter, so they can't just rape marines instantly
- First Fade / Onos also sightly delayed, though that should not be that much of an issue, as most of the res for them actually comes from RTs
- On marines... not that much of a change, except that you can't rush shotgun, but that's not really used in public only in competive
Can't say I've played any competive matches recently, so I don't know it will be affected, might make it a bit hard against people with very good aim (I've played with pubs with good aim, and they're definetly struggeling as marine until later in the game, so I feel like only top-tier shooters might be an issue).
I feel like that would fix some of the public balance issues right now.
- Gorge tunnel is sightly delayed, prevents locking down some positions in the first minute
- Lerk come out later when there is actually armor/shotties as counter, so they can't just rape marines instantly
- First Fade / Onos also sightly delayed, though that should not be that much of an issue, as most of the res for them actually comes from RTs
- On marines... not that much of a change, except that you can't rush shotgun, but that's not really used in public only in competive
Can't say I've played any competive matches recently, so I don't know it will be affected, might make it a bit hard against people with very good aim (I've played with pubs with good aim, and they're definetly struggeling as marine until later in the game, so I feel like only top-tier shooters might be an issue).