Competitive Pick-up-Games
These are pick-up games where a dozen players decide to play a competitive NS2 game together. Anyone who understands basic english and is willing to listen is welcome to join. These games are much more demanding, organized and arguably more fun than the public servers- You can get a taste of the competitive NS2 scene in a more casual and friendly atmosphere. Nearly all players who play gathers regularly prefer them over public. Gather games tend to be more balanced as captains pick the teams, and admins might intervene to avoid boring walkovers.
To join:
- You will need: Teamspeak3 and a working copy of NS2. You might also need some tolerance for extended waiting.
- Register on using your preferred NS2 alias.
- Go to and click NS2 Gather at the top. Click "Click to join gather!". Be sure that you can be available for at least an hour after the gather begins. If you decide to leave the gather you must click "leave gather" and confirm, closing your browser or leaving the page does not remove you from the gather.
- You are now in the gather. Once 12 players have joined, the gather will begin, and you will be expected to join the gather Teamspeak to begin the match. The Teamspeak server info will be listed on the Gather page under Voice Communication.
- Music will play once the gather has begun. At this point you should vote for your preferred Team Captains, Server, and Maps. Simply click on the player/server/map names in the list to vote for them. You get 2 captain votes, 1 server vote and 2 map votes.
- If any custom maps are chosen you can download them here.
1. When you join a gather, show up and play
2. Make sure you check if you are a captain and pick quickly when you are.
3. If you cannot play, get a substitute.
4. 1st map is mandatory, 2nd map is voluntary.
5. ENSL Rules section 6.3 is applied in the gather.
6. Listen to your captain's orders
7. Do not join a new gather when you are already in one
Breaking these rules can be punished by banning.