[SOLVED] Random heavy ping spikes for all players
Hi there, I've successfully set up a NS2 server on my linux machine and on my gaming one (specs below) but I have this annoying issues I can't seem to fix: when the server has around 16 people the ping...
View ArticleEvery time I try to make a mod...
I get shot down by needing to edit or at least follow functions that exist in binary and are unavailable to our plebeian eyes.
View ArticleConcerning Models
I saw tutorials but they are on 3DS with is clearly a professional tool WITH the professional price (and license problems). Any tutorial with Blender ? Like total NS2 Tutotrial with Blender. I would...
View Article[Linux] Natural Selection crash on Optimize and loading new map.
Hi, I've bought Natural Selection 2 on steam (i'm running linux) and i'm having some difficulties running the game. When i try to run the game, a window is asking for me to optimize the game (nothing...
View ArticleThe Game was a draw!
A couple weeks ago I saw my first game draw in over 500h of playing Here's what happened. I was commanding the Marine team and we owned most of the map. THe whole team was focused on destroying the...
View ArticleSkulks with Shotguns!
Skulks with shotguns is out.. And leaping for your face with both barrels locked and loaded! Experience the pinnacle of evolution in the fast paced multiplayer mod for Natural-Selection 2. * 2 Ground...
View ArticleSkill, Level, and official and nonofficial servers.
1) Is skill level update exactly after match or after some time? 2)I need to play for both marines and aliens to update skill level? Or i can just play one match as marine and grow up? 3)Is ALL servers...
View ArticleNew to modding, want to start!
It looks quite daunting when just starting. I want to know what I'll need to skin/customize models, I looked around the threads and on the sticky there is a tut, but it doesn't have anything about...
View ArticleI can't walk/crouch with aliens
Hello, I can't walk/crouch when i play aliens. I know it's shift key, It works with marines. When i use walk/crouch with aliens, i fall off the wall... I haven't conflict with keys attribution. I don't...
View ArticleCustom HUD mod
Mod ID: 812f004 - Workshop link (with screenshots!) This mod gives extra options to clients for HUD customization. The server needs to run this for it to work (as this is a lua mod, and lua files are...
View ArticleSkulk fastswitch into xeno
Hello, dear reader! Since the adding of fast switch, which I think is phenomenal, I have happened to fall into some suicidal habits from time to time as a skulk. Sometimes when you don't know (even...
View ArticleLowering the font of the Scoreboard and in-game text.
Hello! At first I thought I was alone and would bother writing, but now I have talked to a few others that actually play this game in a very low resolution! I play NS2 on a CRT because I want it to be...
View ArticleA few minor Glitches
Evolving into an Onos on the southern side of the extractor in Seeding (hydro map) will sometimes result in your becoming partially trapped in the console making you immobile. Buying a exo suit before...
View Articlens_machina remake
I've started working on a Machina remake, so far it's an identical port with exact geo from the ns1 map. (Yes even the minimap has been ported) Spoiler: Spoiler: I've made a dynamically moving sun that...
View ArticleEclipse - Fix or Fine?
Ok, this is bugging me. Every time Eclipse is played people moan about it but I can't figure out why? Yes its a tough one but surely that makes it more fun? I'd like to hear people's views, does it...
View ArticleShould Fade Be More Advanced?
I think my title asks a good question indeed (lets hope this doesn't turn ugly). I personally think fade should be much harder, should be that lifeform in NS2 that has more skill-oriented gameplay....
View ArticleCommentaries on a pub game
Hi all I have seen alot of NS2 vids and streams (youtube, twitch), and thought there is one type of videos that I don't seem to see much or any of. The commentaries on a pub game. ItsSuperEffective,...
View ArticlePregame Plus mod
Pregame Plus (PGP) is a Shine plugin that helps servers when they're at a low player population. PGP encourages players to stay in small servers by offering an alternative to small matches that pubbers...
View ArticleProjectile Vs Hitscan on Spark
I want to design some new weapons for Proving Grounds, but I thought I would ask for general opinion on which is the best way to go on the spark engine specifically. To make a high speed shooter as I...
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