I've been working on the conversion over the past week. The pics came out a lil brighter than ingame.
Finally got the pics working, been a long time since I've posted pics.
I've yet to finish the back wall, but I wanted to see what you all think of the style before I keep continuing with it.
Beta 3 - 6/27/12
Uploaded to Steams Workshop
V1 -
Sat Comm Hive
Chemical Transport
V2 -
Reactor Room
Pathing issues worked out / ladders removed
Central Access Tunnels
Waste Hive
Most of the map is still grayboxed.
This is being released in order to test the layout with the new gameplay. I'm tinkering with the idea of adding another tech point but I'm not sure where.
I've adjusted the layout slightly, removed ladders in west and acidic and replaced with stairs/ramps. Also added a small path out or reactor towards west in order to bypass the ladder. This is all to allow for the included MAC and Drifter gameplay.
Finally got the pics working, been a long time since I've posted pics.
I've yet to finish the back wall, but I wanted to see what you all think of the style before I keep continuing with it.
Beta 3 - 6/27/12
Uploaded to Steams Workshop
V1 -
Sat Comm Hive
Chemical Transport
V2 -
Reactor Room
Pathing issues worked out / ladders removed
Central Access Tunnels
Waste Hive
Most of the map is still grayboxed.
This is being released in order to test the layout with the new gameplay. I'm tinkering with the idea of adding another tech point but I'm not sure where.
I've adjusted the layout slightly, removed ladders in west and acidic and replaced with stairs/ramps. Also added a small path out or reactor towards west in order to bypass the ladder. This is all to allow for the included MAC and Drifter gameplay.