Hey all,
Just wondering what are the community comments regarding about the NS2 Beacon compared to how NS1 did it.
For those who don't know and need a reminder
NS1 beacon costed 15 res and respawns and recalls every alive marine back to marine spawn.
NS2 beacon costs 10 tRes and only recalls every alive marine back to the closest CC of where the obs triggered it.
My comments:
It feels like the NS2 beacon doesn't seem like an upgrade compared to NS1's beacon. NS1 could respawn every dead marine whilst NS2 only recalls every alive marine back to spawn. I'm okay with the cost of the NS2 beacon (being 10 tRes) as its quite reasonable for what it does but just can't seem to find a good reason as to why this got changed from how it worked from NS1.
When my friends (who are vets of NS1) go marine commander for the first time they always question me why the beacon doesn't respawn every marine like how it did in NS1.
My idea would be to have another obs ability called Recall and change beacon to work similar to NS1.
Recall - Costs 10 tRes - Recalls all alive marines on the field back to the closest active CC of where this ob triggered it.
Beacon - Costs 25 tRes (To be adjusted) - Respawns and recalls all marines back to the closest active CC of where this ob triggered it.
Your throughts?