Why people with high pings ruin games
So I was playing a pub game of NS2 on a west coast server. I noticed this gent teleporting around the map. I checked the scoreboard. Low and behold. He has a ping of 445. So out of curiosity I decide to check out his steam profile page to see where in the world he is located. Oh snap, he's on the west coast as well? So I think to myself. Why do I have 25 ping and he has 445 ping consistently? Is his internet really that bad? Probably not. So then I notice he's 5-2. Seems like he's having no issues getting any kills. I saw him take down some teammates as well. So what's really going on here? Could he be possibly rate hacking/speed hacking? It's a known issue in the community. Possibly. This is not meant to be a witch hunt thread. The point of me going through all the trouble to divulge this information is to get some sort of high ping kick function implemented either by the DEV's or by the community. That way server admins can stop this sort of thing from happening if they so choose.If you want to see the video that was removed by the moderators because it contained "accusations". Head over to http://www.reddit.com/r/ns2/ and click on the link with the same title as this thread. You can see the evidence that way. I don't want to directly post it on here and break the rules. Hopefully this is an okay alternative so people can observe the video evidence and form an opinion on the subject matter.
Note: I don't believe the video divulges the players name. It just shows him teleporting around.
removed the video link and images, we do not allow public accusations on the forums. And moved it to I&S -Kouji San