Currently the reward points for structure kills appear to be awarded to the person who gets the last bit of damage in and not to the person / people who's done the most amount of damage.
For example, i can run in, pop half a clip of a machine gun into a alien resource unit that 2 of my teams mates have been grueling away at and steal the the whole 15 points.
This also happens with the cysts and pretty much everything that isn't killing the enemy related (which has recently been addressed with the addition of 'assist kills').
I think the current structure kill reward system is pretty unfair at the moment and i do feel guilty about it when it happens, maybe i've got it wrong, but the way points are rewarded for killing structures seems completely unbalanced.
The way i would envision it would be if 3 people are attacking a structure such as a resource unit and do similar damage, they get the 15 points divided 3 ways.
If dividing equally is a problem, at the very least the person with the most amount of damage should get awarded the points, not the last person that comes in and does the last bit of damage whilst another member of their team is reloading or using a weapon that does far less damage.