W | L
4 | 0 Envy
4 | 0 RaZe
4 | 0 Hello
3 | 1 Intent
2 | 2 Gladiators
2 | 2 Gorge of Nazareth (And the crowd cheers!)
1 | 3 Numero Onos
0 | 4 -/AUS/-
0 | 4 Team Tum
0 | 4 The Bottom End
You can watch the games by clicking on the blue 1 2 3 4 Buttons to the right of the games. You can also watch from duckvilles PoV (Gorge of nazareth, my team) Here
4 | 0 Envy
4 | 0 RaZe
4 | 0 Hello
3 | 1 Intent
2 | 2 Gladiators
2 | 2 Gorge of Nazareth (And the crowd cheers!)
1 | 3 Numero Onos
0 | 4 -/AUS/-
0 | 4 Team Tum
0 | 4 The Bottom End
You can watch the games by clicking on the blue 1 2 3 4 Buttons to the right of the games. You can also watch from duckvilles PoV (Gorge of nazareth, my team) Here