Interestingly suddenly out of the blue the game gives me a black screen with an orange cursor after joining a server.
Win 8.1 , ATI R9 200 Series, I5-2500k, 12GB Ram.
I've tried:
1. I deleted the game from steam then deleted SteamApps/Common/Natural selections 2 folder and %AppData%/Natural Selections 2 folder. Reinstalled the game
2. Delete the game and reinstall the game
3. Verify Game Cache and running the game again.
4. Change from DX11 to OpenGL
5. Download and updated every Windows 8.1 updates from Windows Update.
Anyone what else I can do?
It's frustrating that I can't play the game
Interestingly suddenly out of the blue the game gives me a black screen with an orange cursor after joining a server.
Win 8.1 , ATI R9 200 Series, I5-2500k, 12GB Ram.
I've tried:
1. I deleted the game from steam then deleted SteamApps/Common/Natural selections 2 folder and %AppData%/Natural Selections 2 folder. Reinstalled the game
2. Delete the game and reinstall the game
3. Verify Game Cache and running the game again.
4. Change from DX11 to OpenGL
5. Download and updated every Windows 8.1 updates from Windows Update.
Anyone what else I can do?
It's frustrating that I can't play the game