for (int i = 1; i < 15; i++)
Wow. Some of the stuff in that video is just downright surreal. There's a fair amount of spin on it by the presenter, but a lot of what is seen can't really be interpreted any other way.
It got me thinking about what would be possible if the NK general public were made aware of what their government is doing and how much of a joke their country has become. From that thought, I started coming up with ways of doing so. My mind first went to a book, but I don't know about the accuracy of the "99%" literacy rate reported by the authorities. I then thought that the best way would be a small, plainly-coloured, waterproof, robust, simple electronic device with a single earpiece, a few buttons and an internal battery good enough to last years.
Onto this device would be a carefully-written body of text read by a NK escapee. It would detail the world situation, how everyone regards NK, the lies their government tells to them, and instructions on concealing/destroying the device if their homes were searched. "There are many things that North Korea can be proud of, but there are also many things she should be ashamed of."
The device would be airdropped by the thousands into NK from cheap helium baloons launched from international waters. The device would be wrapped in brightly-coloured waxproof paper. Easy to find on the ground, but easy to burn the wrapper in order to hide evidence.
I wonder how much good this would actually achieve, over any timeframe.
P.S. I know that C++ isn't correct, the URL should've been in quotation marks and various characters escaped, but I'd've had to concat the value of i into the middle of it and I wasn't about to write a heap of code for array concatenation for the purpose of a throwaway joke.