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Beginners Complete Guide to Natural Selection 2


Notice: Decided to re-post this topic here as I was unable to edit my previous thread comfortably. Most of what I want is here but this guide is still a work-in-progress. I'll be adding new stuff in the future.

Natural Selection 2, a sequel to the critically acclaimed Half Life mod - Natural Selection, naturally. You may think that you've seen this game before, Natural Selection draws heavy inspiration from games like Alien Vs Predator as FPS and StarCraft as RTS for its respective mechanics. NS2 has been in development for over 6 years from a small indie developer that goes by the name of Unknown Worlds Entertainment and to show just how dedicated they were to recreating the popular mod, they decided to develop an entirely new engine for this game specifically that goes by the name of Spark. NS2 was released on October 31, 2012 on Steam. This post will be split into various sections and some sections may be split into sub sections for further clarity.

Before you read this more in-depth guide, I recommend you check out It's Super Effective's fantastic summary of Natural Selection 2 to give you an overall perspective of this game.
Natural Selection 2 - Explained in about 1 Minute by It'sSuperEffective!


What is Natural Selection 2?

Natural Selection 2 is an asymmetrical first-person shooter and real-time strategy hybrid which pits two teams against each other in strategic combat over positions and important locations on the map and to wipe out the opposing team. The two teams are the Frontiersmen, more commonly known as the Marines, and the Khaara which are referred to in-game as the Aliens. The marines function similarly to Colonial Marines of the Aliens films and the Kharaa function closely to the StarCraft Zerg but both teams work differently in almost every way.

Each team has a home base to start with that give the different teams ways and methods of expanding their territory to capture and control resource nozzles and base expansions to ultimately create a sustained and thriving economy to overwhelm the opposing team with superior technology. Extractors can be built on these resource nozzles to provide the team with more resources. The more extractors you have, the more resources you have, the more tech and upgrades are available to you, the more map control you can obtain and the more pressure you can apply to the opposite team. There are two types of resources, Team resources (TRes) and Personal resources (PRes). Team resources are used by the commander whereas personal resources are used by you to purchase whatever you fancy. However, when you die after buying an item, upgrade or evolution, you lose it and the resource you spent.

A number of players take the role as the combat troops while one player takes control as commander which functions similar to an RTS mode. The troops serve as the teams way of securing areas and bases while the commander focuses on construction, giving orders, providing research and technology and communication with the rest of the team. If you know your commander is competent, listen to what he says and what he tells you to do.

Communication and Teamwork. False Hope or Reality?

Natural Selection 2 heavily promotes teamwork over everything. A slayer with 30 kills and 5 deaths doesn't serve much purpose inevitably if there's no communication or fluidity. A negative K/D team with excellent teamwork will win over a team of slayers in most cases. Lone wolves won't win you games but coordinated teams do and personally, for the first time ever in public games, I find myself seeing and hearing people talk to each other and interacting positively, trying to coordinate together and amalgamate to create a strong team all the time. The games where people aren't talking together or working together are also very boring from my perspective. People who you've never spoke to before WILL obey your orders as a commander or even as a grunt if you know your stuff. Teammates will heal you if they are support roles, they tell you where attacks are coming from, what technology they want upgraded and protect vital structures and locations. If somebody calls out a command, it's for the good of the team and not for himself in almost every scenario. Never be afraid to speak with voice over, it's infinitely better than chat and surprisingly, nobody is going to bite at you or curse your mum for speaking to them like in other team games. Natural Selection 2 accomplishes what most other team based games only dream of doing, getting people to work together!


Marines/Frontiersmen Overview

Marines are the more traditional team for new players in that they operate very similar to an FPS game with mechanics such as aiming and shooting. Everyone has played an FPS at some point and marines are easy to pickup and play provided that you don't lone wolf. Marines start with a Command Station which any player can enter to become the commander. The command station functions as the most important structure, if you lose all your command stations on the map, you lose. Luckily it has heavy armor and can take quite a beating before it goes down. Next up are your resource extractors. These little money machines give you exactly what you want - resources. They are used by your commander and yourself to buy armories, sentry guns, weapons, equipment, structures, jet packs and best of all, Exosuits/Mechs.

Marine Commander

The Marine Commander begins with his overview on the home base with the command station, an infantry portal which spawns dead marines, an extractor already built providing your team with resources and a set amount of team resources to start off with. From here on, the commander will need to begin providing his team with structures to build such as power nodes, extractors and armories. He will also need to issue orders for movement, attacks, positioning and construction to ensure maximum throughput. If marines cannot afford an upgrade or weapon, the commander can purchase one with his team resources and supply his team. However, this will greatly hinder expansion and map control if not used correctly. Eventually, through more map control and more extractors, the commander can rapidly ascend to higher tech trees and access weapon and armor upgrades in addition to more powerful equipment and technology, empowering his team. In times of emergency, the commander can recall all marines to a command station to protect a vulnerable base but at a cost of losing significant zone and map control. However, in addition to his passive contribution, the commander can also directly influence a battle by dropping medkits, ammo packs, nano shields to reduce damage on marines and locational scans to detect aliens. A good commander is one who can make best use of his resources with structures, teleportation, directing orders and providing battle support to his soldiers.

Since B250, commanders are now limited by how many structures and assets they can deploy on the map at a time. Structures such as armories, whips, crags and sentries now require supply. You cannot exceed the supply limit but recycling and repositioning your structures and assets help to alleviate the issue. Other assets such as Drifters, MACs and ARCs also take supply.

A tip. Marine commander is generally considered more difficult in public games as marines can be more prone to alien rushes than aliens can to a marine rush. Due to this, it is largely essential that a marine commander have a mic to issue specific orders and commands to this team and to call out on incoming attacks.

The Marine

The Marine draws influence from the Colonial Marines of Aliens and they definitely are comparable. Marines work extremely well in coordinated squads, moving together, assisting in construction and providing each other support through grenades, repairs, zone control and heavy artillery. A marine on his own is a dead marine and almost totally useless if he is not experienced. Marines do need to be aggressive for they must force aliens into defensive positions to retain Extractors and map control of buckle under the long term pressure of alien counterattacks. However, the arsenal of the marines is extremely varied and fit to take on any alien threat directed at them, from the vicious Skulk to the mighty Onos. All marines will spawn with full health, armor, a pistol, a hatchet and a light machine gun. In addition, to their equipment they also have a minimap that displays alien threats, fellow marines and structures and the layout of the area around them. Eventually through upgrades and technology, they can purchase shotguns, grenade launchers, proximity mines, welders, flamethrowers, jet packs and finally Exosuits to put down the Xeno filth.

Each weapon is useful, serves a unique purpose and has it's pros and cons. The LMG for example provides a general all round purpose but is not as effective as other weapons when supported by a team. A shotgunner supporting a grenadier can be a brutal combination for aliens to deal with whereas an LMG won't nearly be as effective. Some of the aliens force are also specifically vulnerable to certain weapons. The shotgun for example is extremely effective versus the Skulk and Fade but very weak versus the Gorge or Lerk from a long range. Finally, Exosuits are the final tech choice and provide extremely powerful ranged dominance over the aliens, they can simply decimate entire teams if engaged and supported correctly but they are vulnerable when not supported and can't be recalled if the home base is counter-attacked, making them extremely susceptible to alien attacks.


Structures, Weapons and Technology of the Marines

Marines have a detailed assembly of production and technology available to them and are detailed below.

Most active abilities of the structures are used by the commander.
Command Station - Home base for marines, provides commander position. Can only be constructed on Tech points. Provides medpack and ammopack, Nano Shield and Catalyst Pack technology. Multiple command stations allow more technology upgrades and more flexible emergency teleportation beacons. Costs 15 resources.
Infantry Portal - Spawns a marine every 9 seconds following a marine death. Players are vulnerable to spawn kill afterwards. Costs 20 resources.
Extractor - Built on resource nozzles, provides steady flow of resources to the team. Rate increases with more extractors. Costs 10 resources.
Power Node - Provides power to the surrounding environment and marine structures. If destroyed, marine structures and local lighting powers down. Free.
Armory - Provides weapons and equipment to marines. Restores health and ammo to nearby marines. Can be upgraded to Advanced Armory for more weapons. Costs 10 resources. Upgrade requires 30.
Robotics Factory - Provides Power Surge commander ability. Produces MAC repair drones and ARC assault drones that assist marines with repairs and destruction of alien structures respectively. MACs are effective when teamed with Exos and Marines. ARCs when deployed deal colossal damage to structures and can attack through walls. Requires line of sight to fire. Costs 10 resources. Costs 5 to upgrade to ARC Factory.
Arms Lab - Upgrades marine weapon and armor. Capped at three upgrades. Are permanent upgrades but are removed if the lab is destroyed. Must be rebuilt again to regain upgrade status. Costs 20 resources.
Sentry Turret - Provides base defense and location control. Powered by a Sentry battery. Good vs light alien lifeforms and deterring attacks. Costs 5 resources per sentry.
Sentry Battery. Provides power to nearby constructed sentries. Is independent from power node, can function even when room power is off. Costs 10 resources.
Phase Gate - Instantly teleports marines from one phase gate to another. Very important for map mobility and defense. Has diminishing effective the more phase gates you have takes longer to reach a desired location. Costs 15 resources.
Observatory - Detects aliens nearby by highlighting them. Exposes cloaked aliens. Ability provides a scan at any point on the map to detect aliens and uncloak them. Second ability provides emergency teleport which teleports all marines and Exosuits to command station closest to the observatory. Provides phase gate research. Costs 10 resources.
Prototype Lab - Allows marines to purchase jet packs and Exosuits. Costs 40 resources.

Weapons, Support and Tech
Build Tool - Used to construct buildings. Press E to construct a building. Welders are usually a better option however. Baseline.
Light Machine Gun - Standard issue rifle and what marines spawn with. Is useful against all types of aliens and situations but isn't spectacular at anything. Obtained on spawn.
Hatchet - Melee weapon. Provides effective damage versus structures but low damage on lifeforms and makes you a badass. Obtained on spawn.
Pistol - Highly effective burst damage weapon. Used to finish off weakened aliens and when low on ammo, extremely precise, no recoil. Obtained on spawn.
Shotgun - Brutally effective at close range and effective at destroying all lifeforms giving the right circumstances. Effective vs structures as well. Requires high precision. Required in order to defeat Fades and extremely cost effective in the hands of a good player. Costs 20 resources.
Proximity Mine - Effective at controlling locations and protecting bases. Allows marines great advantage in small or personal engagements and early game map control. Three mines per purchase. Costs 15 resources.
Flamethrower - Drains the energy of aliens and deals decent direct damage and light damage over time. Stuns enemy structures from functioning. Most effective against groups of light aliens and structures. Effective as support vs Lerks and Gorges. Costs 25 resources.
Grenade Launcher - Excellent in clearing out rooms and dealing with light alien lifeforms. Good for surprising burst damage and retreating aliens. Very weak with no support but has long range. Deals extra damage to structures. Costs 15 resources.
Jetpack - Provides airborne and increased mobility for short duration and protects against melee aliens. Very effective vs all lifeforms and the direct counter to Onos. Costs 15 resources.
Welder - Repairs damaged structures, constructs buildings, repairs power nodes at twice the rate, repairs marine armor, robots and Exosuits. Deals light damage to enemies and structures and replaces the hatchet. Deals extra damage to Cysts. Essential to a good team. Costs 3 resources.
Grenades - Powerful on-use grenades and great for dispensing extra resources or for pushing an alien fortified position. Effects vary depending on the type of grenade used. Comes in 3 distinct types. Each purchase costs 3 resources and provides 2 grenades.
- Cluster Grenade - Deals high initial explosion burst damage to target with several cluster bombs exploding for minor damage.
- Nerve Gas Grenade - Releases a gas cloud at the thrown location that persists for a short duration. Deals damage to alien armor but will not singlehandedly kill an alien. Effective vs structures and all lifeforms especially Onos and Gorge fortifications.
- Pulse Grenade - Impact burst damage that severely cripples alien attack rate. Good vs Fades and Onos.
Exosuit - Awwww Yeah.
- Single Railgun with Steel Fist - Requires Railgun to charge up before dealing maximum damage. Excellent for dealing very sudden burst damage, requires excellent precision but very effective against lower lifeforms. Decent speed. Extremely weak vs Onos and large groups of aliens. Costs 40 resources.
- Single Minigun with Steel Fist - Excellent ranged combat proficiency by shredding weaker alien targets. Weak when unsupported and vulnerable to multiple Skulk attacks or an Onos charge. Decent speed. Cost 40 resources.
Dual Exosuit - Requires a single Exosuit which can then be upgraded into a dual Exosuit depending on the weapon. You CANNOT for example, have a minigun and a railgun on one Exosuit.
- Dual Miniguns. Massive damage output per second but like the other Exosuits, requires support. Devastating vs Onos. Slow speed. Cost 60 resources.
- Dual Railguns. Nuff said although they can't fire simultaneously. Slow speed. Only purchase if you are VERY experienced with them. Cost 60 resources.


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