Mod ID: 812f004 - Workshop link (with screenshots!)
This mod gives extra options to clients for HUD customization. The server needs to run this for it to work (as this is a lua mod, and lua files are consistency checked by default).
This is a work-in-progress and more features will be added in the future.
You can type "chud" in console to see all options with descriptions or set them directly in your options menu.
Custom HUD Commands
chud_banners: Removes the banners in the center of the screen ("Commander needed", "Power node under attack", "Evolution lost", etc.)
chud_blur: Removes the background blur from menus/minimap
chud_hpbar: Removes the health bars from the marine HUD
chud_kda: Switches the scoreboard from KAD to KDA
chud_mingui: Removes backgrounds/scanlines from all UI elements (still not finished)
chud_minimap: Removes the entire top left of the screen for the marines (minimap, comm name, team res, comm actions)
chud_minnps: Removes building names and health/armor bars and replaces them with a simple %
chud_minwps: Removes all text/backgrounds and only leaves the waypoint icon
chud_particles: Reduces particle clutter
chud_rtcount: Removes RT count dots at the bottom and replaces them with a number
chud_score: Disables score popup (+5)
chud_showcomm: Forces showing the commander and resources when disabling the minimap
chud_smalldmg: Makes the damage numbers smaller
chud_smallnps: Makes fonts in the nameplates smaller
chud_tracers: Disables weapon tracers
chud_unlocks: Removes the research completed notifications on the right side of the screen
chud_wps: Disables all waypoints except Attack orders (waypoints can still be seen on minimap)
This mod gives extra options to clients for HUD customization. The server needs to run this for it to work (as this is a lua mod, and lua files are consistency checked by default).
This is a work-in-progress and more features will be added in the future.
You can type "chud" in console to see all options with descriptions or set them directly in your options menu.
Custom HUD Commands
chud_banners: Removes the banners in the center of the screen ("Commander needed", "Power node under attack", "Evolution lost", etc.)
chud_blur: Removes the background blur from menus/minimap
chud_hpbar: Removes the health bars from the marine HUD
chud_kda: Switches the scoreboard from KAD to KDA
chud_mingui: Removes backgrounds/scanlines from all UI elements (still not finished)
chud_minimap: Removes the entire top left of the screen for the marines (minimap, comm name, team res, comm actions)
chud_minnps: Removes building names and health/armor bars and replaces them with a simple %
chud_minwps: Removes all text/backgrounds and only leaves the waypoint icon
chud_particles: Reduces particle clutter
chud_rtcount: Removes RT count dots at the bottom and replaces them with a number
chud_score: Disables score popup (+5)
chud_showcomm: Forces showing the commander and resources when disabling the minimap
chud_smalldmg: Makes the damage numbers smaller
chud_smallnps: Makes fonts in the nameplates smaller
chud_tracers: Disables weapon tracers
chud_unlocks: Removes the research completed notifications on the right side of the screen
chud_wps: Disables all waypoints except Attack orders (waypoints can still be seen on minimap)