We've been up and running since launch of NS2, with less activity during summer and holidays. We consist of a tight bunch of people who most of us know each other irl one way or another. Many of us played NS1 on pubs back in the days, but our team took off as a quite successful Day Of Defeat clan until source came and ruined things. Some founding members play NS2 now together since this was our chance to have some fun in a great team game. With the added people that came along from different parts of our friend circle, we've managed to put up an active team that strives for fun and to get better each game we play.
However, many of our players have lives to live and can't be as active as the core 5-6 guys we have playing often together, and when it happens that one or two of these have a situation where something has come up... well let's just say we don't like to rely on mercs that often because of the tight knit team we are. This is why we look for a player of comp level low-mid or mid to join us and keep us active and be the missing link.
We have applied for NS2WC and we'll play that if we're in, but not sure if you could join in on that just yet. Although we would need one more for that too possibly, since our core is 5-6 and the rest are pretty much inactive, and holiday seasons won't make things easier. But NSL season 4 is right around the corner!
What we look for:
- Class: any ; we adjust the team setup according to strengths and weaknesses. (so if you a 10/10 comm you're also welcome)
- Language SWEDISH; We mainly consist of fennoswedes and bilinguals, so main language of communication is swedish mixed with finnish and english words. Also finnish speakers are welcome, it works nicely too and you'll get used to it quite fast and we'll answer in finnish without problems.
- Someone talkative; we talk ALOT during games, it's fun and we need it. We don't rage and keep a good spirit. We'll give you time to fit in, not everyone is comfortable from the get-go.
- Skill&experience; We prefer someone with some comp game experience, but we'll take pub players who want to take a step forward if you prove yourself after a few games. Skill level LOW-MID or MID. We're getting better at this. (i think?)
- Maturity; our age is mostly somewhere around 25+, we want someone older than 20 preferably, but we don't count years as long as you're cool with us and polite towards our opponents.
We give you:
- Games every week ranging from 2-6 - depending on everyones situation and holidays etc. We play more often to practice for some upcoming bad-ass league game.
- A solid team with good chemistry, always trying to learn from each game and get better.
- A questionable sense of humor
- Very real possibility of meeting us at sauna evenings or lans, we do those sometimes to have fun outside games and to get to know each other. We plan on flying to NS2WC live event for example, but I'd expect they won't have a sauna there. Drinking is obligatory at these events.
Add me [karvalakki] TheKarva or [karvalakki] Boke on steam if you're interested!
However, many of our players have lives to live and can't be as active as the core 5-6 guys we have playing often together, and when it happens that one or two of these have a situation where something has come up... well let's just say we don't like to rely on mercs that often because of the tight knit team we are. This is why we look for a player of comp level low-mid or mid to join us and keep us active and be the missing link.
We have applied for NS2WC and we'll play that if we're in, but not sure if you could join in on that just yet. Although we would need one more for that too possibly, since our core is 5-6 and the rest are pretty much inactive, and holiday seasons won't make things easier. But NSL season 4 is right around the corner!
What we look for:
- Class: any ; we adjust the team setup according to strengths and weaknesses. (so if you a 10/10 comm you're also welcome)
- Language SWEDISH; We mainly consist of fennoswedes and bilinguals, so main language of communication is swedish mixed with finnish and english words. Also finnish speakers are welcome, it works nicely too and you'll get used to it quite fast and we'll answer in finnish without problems.
- Someone talkative; we talk ALOT during games, it's fun and we need it. We don't rage and keep a good spirit. We'll give you time to fit in, not everyone is comfortable from the get-go.
- Skill&experience; We prefer someone with some comp game experience, but we'll take pub players who want to take a step forward if you prove yourself after a few games. Skill level LOW-MID or MID. We're getting better at this. (i think?)
- Maturity; our age is mostly somewhere around 25+, we want someone older than 20 preferably, but we don't count years as long as you're cool with us and polite towards our opponents.
We give you:
- Games every week ranging from 2-6 - depending on everyones situation and holidays etc. We play more often to practice for some upcoming bad-ass league game.
- A solid team with good chemistry, always trying to learn from each game and get better.
- A questionable sense of humor
- Very real possibility of meeting us at sauna evenings or lans, we do those sometimes to have fun outside games and to get to know each other. We plan on flying to NS2WC live event for example, but I'd expect they won't have a sauna there. Drinking is obligatory at these events.
Add me [karvalakki] TheKarva or [karvalakki] Boke on steam if you're interested!