Please ... for the love of the gods, do not ever listen to the spam-jump-pink-skin-mod-[NAUGHTYWORDSAREBAD] muppets that play this game and upgrade your CPU .... it won't do shit.
If you must, just take a holistic approach and upgrade *everything* - I can promise, (I mean it: I will say it in front of any lost bastard: PROMISE) after a near $NZ600 on CPUs - this game is just warped beyond reason with respect to FPS - do a CPU and Gfx and HD and RAM overall upgrade, or just don't bother.
It's not skill, it's : MODS and OVERALL HARDWARE, spend $1000 or just find a new game.
Certainly it isn't: CPU Ghz. Going from 3.6 to 4.2 gave me : 2.5 extra frames in the menu mode. 0 in game. Just don't bother.
If you must, just take a holistic approach and upgrade *everything* - I can promise, (I mean it: I will say it in front of any lost bastard: PROMISE) after a near $NZ600 on CPUs - this game is just warped beyond reason with respect to FPS - do a CPU and Gfx and HD and RAM overall upgrade, or just don't bother.
It's not skill, it's : MODS and OVERALL HARDWARE, spend $1000 or just find a new game.
Certainly it isn't: CPU Ghz. Going from 3.6 to 4.2 gave me : 2.5 extra frames in the menu mode. 0 in game. Just don't bother.