What it is
- Player stats which are saved on database by every round played.
- Every played round can be tracked after and see who was playing and their stats.
- Combined overall data from played rounds per player.
- Cross server stats.
- Balance statistics
- Personal stats using private messages on server when round changes or with stats commands
- Build order stats
- Upgrade tracker, also includes buildings dropped/built
Other features:
- Assists -scoreboard item
- AFK kick (players in serverAdmin.json wont get kicked)
- Unstuck chat command: /stuck
- Tournament mode for private servers
- Votemap console command
- Server MOTD
- Includes Huze's Badges mod support
- Automatic map reload for mods every 30mins (if server empty)
- Game tagging, with console command tag. See 'stats'-console command.
- Heatmaps and minimap overview of round actions
- Auto-arrange by ELO (experiemental, sv_autoarrange to enable, gets enabled when 8 players)
- Round end awards (currently simple)
- Killstreak sounds + text (sv_killstreaks to enable)
- Ingame 'stats'-command:
How it works
- Data is gathered during round into memory logs which are send to specified website after game has ended. This data is parsed on website and saved to database there.
- Server admins need to install lua mod from workshop and stats are ready to be saved. More specific instructions can be found Stats are always cross-server for now, but there is settings to choose servers from where data is shown (filter).
Servers currently running NS2Stats can be found:
If you experience bugs please contact or post here. NS2Stats will get updated weekly so check for new versions now and then, at least after new builds! You should get notifications to server also if you have old version in use.
We are looking for coders to keep making NS2Stats better! If you have interest please contact me with private message or send mail to
What we require:
- You should have pretty much free time.
- You need to have experience with lua or making websites. Website uses Yii framework so its coded with PHP and uses MySQL database. So being able to use framework is required if applying for website development.
- You need to be familiar with SVN.
- You should have lot of interest in NS2 and play it regularly. source code is on Github!
Lua mod is too on GitHub.
What we are planning:
- Improve round pages and minimap.
- More live stats and live minimaps for servers.
- Awards, kinda like achievements. Can reward badges.
- NS2Stats badges which can be seen in-game on scoreboard.
- Referee system, certain trusted people could control competitive servers as admin if server is set to allow referees.
- New rounds page with search and more detailed and longer list of played rounds.
- Player content, customizable player page. Player videos. Could be attached to rounds.
- Better highlighting for tournament and other competitive games.
- Fix bugs, make website faster and more stable.
- Improve NS2Stats API.
- Improve the way data is sent to
- New awards. Better display.
- Graphical windows with stats.
- More in-game commands.
- Improve existing features like auto-arrange and tournament mode.
Plus lot more already in todo-list. And new ideas are always welcome.
NS2Stats was created by Synomi(me), Zeikko, zups(supsu) and rantology. Current developers: Synomi and GhoulofGSG9 (looking for more).
You can find us hanging on #ns2stats @ quakenet 24/7. Feel free to drop by and discuss about NS2stats or other programming related stuff.
Special thanks to:
- dmni
- Ryne
- Mendasp
- Team Exertus
- Gamerkatze
- Gohan Zeta
And many more of you who has helped with the NS2Stats.
What it is
- Player stats which are saved on database by every round played.
- Every played round can be tracked after and see who was playing and their stats.
- Combined overall data from played rounds per player.
- Cross server stats.
- Balance statistics
- Personal stats using private messages on server when round changes or with stats commands
- Build order stats
- Upgrade tracker, also includes buildings dropped/built
Other features:
- Assists -scoreboard item
- AFK kick (players in serverAdmin.json wont get kicked)
- Unstuck chat command: /stuck
- Tournament mode for private servers
- Votemap console command
- Server MOTD
- Includes Huze's Badges mod support
- Automatic map reload for mods every 30mins (if server empty)
- Game tagging, with console command tag. See 'stats'-console command.
- Heatmaps and minimap overview of round actions
- Auto-arrange by ELO (experiemental, sv_autoarrange to enable, gets enabled when 8 players)
- Round end awards (currently simple)
- Killstreak sounds + text (sv_killstreaks to enable)
- Ingame 'stats'-command:
### ## Available commands (224830): # # stats help : This help # stats rank : Your rank and rating. # stats stats : Your personal stats # stats topkills : Top 10 kill counts # stats login <your code> : Logs you in, required for some actions # stats hide : Hide/show your stat page on website (login required) #- Commands without stats prefix: # ns2stats_settings : shows settings menu, currently able to change which browser check command uses. # votemap : Allows you to vote for map change (if enabled) # players : Lists players with their steam name,ranking and rating (if auto-arrange enabled) # ready : Makes your team ready in tournament mode. # tag : Usage : tag "Exertus vs Archaea", Use during game, resets when game starts. Searchable on web. (soon) #- Chat commands: # /stuck or /unstuck: Attempts to free you # ready or rdy: Makes your team ready in tournament mode.
How it works
- Data is gathered during round into memory logs which are send to specified website after game has ended. This data is parsed on website and saved to database there.
- Server admins need to install lua mod from workshop and stats are ready to be saved. More specific instructions can be found Stats are always cross-server for now, but there is settings to choose servers from where data is shown (filter).
Servers currently running NS2Stats can be found:
If you experience bugs please contact or post here. NS2Stats will get updated weekly so check for new versions now and then, at least after new builds! You should get notifications to server also if you have old version in use.
We are looking for coders to keep making NS2Stats better! If you have interest please contact me with private message or send mail to
What we require:
- You should have pretty much free time.
- You need to have experience with lua or making websites. Website uses Yii framework so its coded with PHP and uses MySQL database. So being able to use framework is required if applying for website development.
- You need to be familiar with SVN.
- You should have lot of interest in NS2 and play it regularly. source code is on Github!
Lua mod is too on GitHub.
What we are planning:
- Improve round pages and minimap.
- More live stats and live minimaps for servers.
- Awards, kinda like achievements. Can reward badges.
- NS2Stats badges which can be seen in-game on scoreboard.
- Referee system, certain trusted people could control competitive servers as admin if server is set to allow referees.
- New rounds page with search and more detailed and longer list of played rounds.
- Player content, customizable player page. Player videos. Could be attached to rounds.
- Better highlighting for tournament and other competitive games.
- Fix bugs, make website faster and more stable.
- Improve NS2Stats API.
- Improve the way data is sent to
- New awards. Better display.
- Graphical windows with stats.
- More in-game commands.
- Improve existing features like auto-arrange and tournament mode.
Plus lot more already in todo-list. And new ideas are always welcome.
NS2Stats was created by Synomi(me), Zeikko, zups(supsu) and rantology. Current developers: Synomi and GhoulofGSG9 (looking for more).
You can find us hanging on #ns2stats @ quakenet 24/7. Feel free to drop by and discuss about NS2stats or other programming related stuff.
Special thanks to:
- dmni
- Ryne
- Mendasp
- Team Exertus
- Gamerkatze
- Gohan Zeta
And many more of you who has helped with the NS2Stats.