Before you flame saying this thread has been made. I still think this problem needs more spotlight. Blah Blah.
- Who TF are you?
Well, I play with a balls out gaming rig with 2 7970's and the works. 144hz monitor, 30~ ping. I'm a competitive gamer that's been in MLG comp events on Planetside2, 400+ hours in NS2, ect, ect. I'm that asshole with 120 kills to 0 deaths.
- The problem?
I've noticed after the last major patch that the damage registry is luck based even if you land a full clip into a skulk or are almost inside a marine as a skulk biting with no damage registering. When taking a further look back at the history of NS2, I found that this was a major issue around initial release. Something is borked harder than usual. I have averaged the marine rifle damage rate to 1 bullet per 3 register as damaging. As Skulk It's hit and miss, but manually hitting attack instead of holding seems to almost remove hit reg problems. Still, the bullets and bites always make contact and spill blood.
- What have you tested?
About every windows setting known to god. I have found that in my testing running torrents to artificially boost your ping(150+) as a skulk causes minor movements to be ignored and appear your going in a straight line. The direct opposite is true with marines. It removes skulks twitch movements and makes them easy targets and gives you a higher chance to receive no damage from bites. Triple buffer on increases tracking and greatly lowers skulk teleporting.
- So What Is causing it?
I find you get more hits registered by firing in burst and manually clicking each attack as a skulk. Making me think there's some kind of check that happens between client and server that gets lost or bugged when pressing the attack button and causes the hit registry to "skip".
I'm interested in the communities thoughts on this. As I find that it's not talked about enough. Like it's a known taboo we don't speak of.
- Who TF are you?
Well, I play with a balls out gaming rig with 2 7970's and the works. 144hz monitor, 30~ ping. I'm a competitive gamer that's been in MLG comp events on Planetside2, 400+ hours in NS2, ect, ect. I'm that asshole with 120 kills to 0 deaths.
- The problem?
I've noticed after the last major patch that the damage registry is luck based even if you land a full clip into a skulk or are almost inside a marine as a skulk biting with no damage registering. When taking a further look back at the history of NS2, I found that this was a major issue around initial release. Something is borked harder than usual. I have averaged the marine rifle damage rate to 1 bullet per 3 register as damaging. As Skulk It's hit and miss, but manually hitting attack instead of holding seems to almost remove hit reg problems. Still, the bullets and bites always make contact and spill blood.
- What have you tested?
About every windows setting known to god. I have found that in my testing running torrents to artificially boost your ping(150+) as a skulk causes minor movements to be ignored and appear your going in a straight line. The direct opposite is true with marines. It removes skulks twitch movements and makes them easy targets and gives you a higher chance to receive no damage from bites. Triple buffer on increases tracking and greatly lowers skulk teleporting.
- So What Is causing it?
I find you get more hits registered by firing in burst and manually clicking each attack as a skulk. Making me think there's some kind of check that happens between client and server that gets lost or bugged when pressing the attack button and causes the hit registry to "skip".
I'm interested in the communities thoughts on this. As I find that it's not talked about enough. Like it's a known taboo we don't speak of.