255 is 16x16 in hex (including 0, so 255 (0xFF) is the 256th in the list). it's a power => 16²
I think i understand now.
-Huge lag issues. Say, you BH to maximum speed. If you get in front of a marine... Lag / rewind / dead syndrome. => Lag²
-When Alien are winning, they have a hard time to finish => Turtle land²
-ppl are stacking... again... => Stack²
-AV orange => Vomit²
-1 on 1 fights are just awkward now => Jumping bean²
-Rookie marine just don't build anything and the marines still win. => Dumb²
-Proper marines just cut the Cyst and you're agonizing for the rest of the game. Khammander are frustrated² plain and simple.
I've played many game on build 255. Combat and regular. Despite the fact the game crashes sometimes (something that never happened before), i made my mind, it's just not playable anymore as alien. And worse; you still know from the first minutes who's gonna win.
So... let's forget about it. just by curiosity: what's under the hood of build 256 (AKA 0x100 in hex) ? Coz hey, something went wrong you know.
I mean this time; it would be great not to have bad surprises. oops read instead "bad surprise²".
I think i understand now.
-Huge lag issues. Say, you BH to maximum speed. If you get in front of a marine... Lag / rewind / dead syndrome. => Lag²
-When Alien are winning, they have a hard time to finish => Turtle land²
-ppl are stacking... again... => Stack²
-AV orange => Vomit²
-1 on 1 fights are just awkward now => Jumping bean²
-Rookie marine just don't build anything and the marines still win. => Dumb²
-Proper marines just cut the Cyst and you're agonizing for the rest of the game. Khammander are frustrated² plain and simple.
I've played many game on build 255. Combat and regular. Despite the fact the game crashes sometimes (something that never happened before), i made my mind, it's just not playable anymore as alien. And worse; you still know from the first minutes who's gonna win.
So... let's forget about it. just by curiosity: what's under the hood of build 256 (AKA 0x100 in hex) ? Coz hey, something went wrong you know.
I mean this time; it would be great not to have bad surprises. oops read instead "bad surprise²".