Got extra copies of NS2 to give away? Want NS2 but can't afford it?
Take note: This is an experiment. If the forum rules can't be kept to, the thread will be closed permanently.We've seen a few requests for copies of NS2 recently from people who for whatever reason can't afford the game and happily there have been some friendly people willing to help them. It would probably be best to keep that all in one place, so here's the deal. If you've got an extra copy of NS2 for whatever reason, that you're happy to give away, post here and let people know. If you really really want NS2 but you can't afford it right now, ask here and maybe some generous soul will be able to help you out.
It goes without saying that everything should be above board here. If you're thinking of posting just to have a moan, don't. And a dim view will be taken of any trolling.